Sunday, May 22, 2011


I'm a bit delayed on "news", but I'm not very big on paying attention to news - unless it has something to do with my life - because everything in the news is usually too damn depressing for me. So, when I started seeing Facebook status updates and Twitter tweets going off about "the end of the world is coming!", "the rapture comes tomorrow!", "are you ready for the end of the world?"; my natural reaction was to turn to my other half and ask: WTF is going on?

He informs me, nonchalantly: "There's this preacher person who sort of predicted the end of the world is going to be tomorrow." (This was on Friday, May 20, 2011.) Being a childhood raised Roman Catholic and being a fan of the Book of Revelation, I simply laughed off the bit of information. I mean, come on... short cutting the Book of Revelation: Part 1 - Massive natural disasters + a great bad ass war (hmm Katrina - ok, Japan Earthquake - ok, Southeast Tornadoes - ok, "War on Terrorism" - ok), Part 2 - a brief moment of world peace (lacking. Unless ALL civil wars stop...), Part 3 - the final destruction of Earth, as we know it, and finally, Part 4 - the Return. (This is only a 10-second run down of the Christian view of the world and life.)

However, my curiosity wasn't completely fed. Why May 21, 2011? Business Insider helped me out in answering that question.

As you can see, I was super behind on the news. This brief article was published May 14, and I started noticing crap May 20. Numbers are honestly not my strong suite; I guffawed at the mathematics.

I have decided - as a "fallen" Christian - that this "Rapture 2011" must mean that it is the end of the trust in silly denominations attempting to predict the Judgement Day. This is when I must give it (giggles, smiles, etc) to all Christians. For those who believe they are saved, why are you guys trying to figure out God's math? Don't you trust your higher power enough to just sit back and relax? For me, if the "end of the world" is coming, so be it. Death comes to everyone sooner or later, and I've cheated Death enough to be fine with our rendezvous.

Yep, this is me pulling out my "I can't believe what I'm hearing/reading" card, along with one of my "This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard/read" cards.

Looks like everyone is still alive, 24 hrs after the supposed "second coming".... Christians, do everyone a favor and stop trying to predict things. You don't believe in stuff like foresight, remember?

I'm done with my ranting and venting.

Until next topic --

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