Tuesday, April 26, 2011

P90X after Day 4

So... I barely survived Day 1 of P90X. I will openly admit: P90X Core Synergistics is the most painful thing I've ever done. So far. LOL. Day 1 worked my abdomen, my arms, and my poor thighs!!! I woke up on Day 2 with a sore... well... sore everything! I stayed lying in bed for about 10 minutes before attempting to roll from my side of the bed to my other half's side - yes, I was groaning the whole way - to roll off the bed.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

P90X: Before thoughts

I have been advised - and I believe it too - to not start the P90X program until AFTER I get over my cold. That's probably because after just walking from the car to the house (and vice versa), my dry, sore, scratchy throat makes me feel like I'm hacking up my lung AND my diaphragm.